I’m excited to announce that my new novel Once Removed (2020, Turnstone Press) is available now! Ask for it at your local independent bookseller! An affectionate pastiche of small-town Mennonite life, replete with duty, folly, irreverence, and joy. —David Bergen Hilarious as Schitt’s Creek, sinister as Hitchcock, Once Removed gives us Timothy Heppner, the quintessential non-resistant Mennonite, in a comic…
Highlights of 2019 by Daily Bonnet Author Andrew Unger
I started the Daily Bonnet on a whim, really. Back in 2016, I wrote one article about Steinbach city council moving the entire community to the Mennonite Heritage Village and posted it on my website. After a few days I noticed that thousands of people had read it and I figured, “hey, people seem to…
Teaching Satire: Resources for Educators
From about the age of twelve to fourteen, I filled Hillroy notebooks with poorly-drawn, occasionally funny, political cartoons. Brian Mulroney was Prime Minister at the time and it was fun to exaggerate the length of his chin while offering my Junior High critique of his tax plan. I can’t say this type of writing was…
So Who Writes The Daily Bonnet Anyway?
Hello. I’m Andrew Unger, a church-going Mennonite pastor’s son from Steinbach. Surprised? Well, some of you know me as Andrew J. Bergman, the pen name I used from 2014 until now. I used the pen name for two years before starting the Daily Bonnet, the name selected as a tribute to my grandfather, an amateur…
When People Think Satire is Real…
Recently I wrote a satirical article for The Daily Bonnet with the headline “Canada Pays Off Entire Federal Debt One Day After Marijuana Legalization.” Surprisingly the post went viral and actually became the most read post ever on The Daily Bonnet. If I could write a post like that every day I would, but one…